Thursday, December 29, 2005

She's baaaaaaack

Yay, my honey's back in town! I wrapped up her present really nicely... brown paper packages tied up with string... these are a few of her favorite things! ',;-)
These took me about two hours to meticulously wrap... (ssssssh, don't tell her, there are a few boxes inside wrapped similarly) ',;-) I can think of this as a type of "nerdage" appropriate for my blog. There is no tape showing on the outside of any of the boxes. It's beautimous!

Monday, December 26, 2005


I wanted to take a second and link up to my friends: Howdy ya'll.

Nerdaggio first post!

Hmm... Everyone else is getting one, so I might as well do the same. I have entered the blogosphere. I hope to use this blog as a vent for my nerdage and geekage in the absence of any other interested parties. ',;-) I have interests in software development, object-oriented methodologies and all sorts of associated nerdage. I like the term "Nerdage" because it adequately describes what I'm talking about. Right now, I'm hopped up on a bit of sugar and caffeine from Christmas. Yay! Strange things usually come up from that common combination of chemicals. Anyhoo. // end of first post